The Mother Teresa Vocation Society (MTVS) was formed in 2002 as a prayer apostolate in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life and for those who have responded to God's call to service in the Church. Our members commit to praying for this intention each day. The specific prayers and length of prayer is left to the individual.
Each year, MTVS offers a Day of Recollection. The day includes Mass, Adoration, Confession, and talks. In conjunction with parishes, we also offer mornings of reflection at other times during the year. Attendance is open to all who wish to join us in prayer, and the event is free (donations accepted). Check the "Events Tab" for more information.
In 2025, in conjunction with the Jubilee Year of Hope, we will also partner with parishes in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington to offer opportunities for Adoration on First Fridays to pray for vocations. See our Events page for details on upcoming sites.
Notice of events and spiritual reflections are shared with our members via FlockNote. Please complete the information below to join us and to be added to FlockNote group.